
Hotel & Objekt Management GmbH
Landhaus Sylter Hahn
Robbenweg 3
25980 Westerland/Sylt

Tel. +49 4651 92 820
Fax +49 4651 92 82 22

Managing Director: Jan Hendrik Rose
Tax ID no. according to § 27a sales tax law: 15 29 11 87 60
Court of registry: Amtsgericht Flensburg
Registration number: 1178 NI


Despite careful checking of the content, we do not accept any liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages is the sole responsibility of their operators. We accept no responsibility or liability for errors or omissions. Content subject to change without notice.

Compulsory information according to Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council:
Link to the homepage of the European Commission’s online dispute resolution center for consumer disputes: – further information is available there from 15.02.2016. Please contact us at if you have any questions about a possible dispute resolution.